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About Mani
Astrology Basics
Paganism & Magic
Wicca – A brief intro
Hinduism basics
My Hindu path
Contact Mani
my Books
Eclipse Magic Workbook
Coven Guide: Become an Initiated Witch
Halloween Guide for Pagans, Parents, Teachers and Journalists
Yule Rites
Elephantom Origins: Birth of an Eco-Hero
Gaian Times e-Magazine
Astrology for Eclipse Magicians
e-witch module1
e-witch module2
Courses & Workshops
Wicca 1-Day Course (London, Outdoors)
High Magic course at Atlantis
Introduction to Runes: Experiential workshop (London, outdoors)
Spellcraft Course at Atlantis
Beginners Tarot Course (London, outdoors)
Psychic Safety, Protection & Healing
Practical wicca : Altars, Brooms, Wand & Pentacle workshop
High Magic 1: Kabbalisticc Cross, LBRP & Creating Archangel sigils
Planetary magic Kameas, Sigils & Seals (Atlantis bookshop)
Wicca: Working with Horned God & Moon Goddess
Magical Services
Handfasting – Pagan Wedding Ceremony & service
Spell-Craft service
Holistic Coaching & Pagan Counselling
My Community
London Woodland Witches meetup
Earth-Day, Earth-Hour & World Peace Day Events
Wicca Circles, Hern’s Tribe & Tamesa London Circle
- About Mani
- Astrology Basics
- Paganism & Magic
- Wicca – A brief intro
- Hinduism basics
- My Hindu path
- Contact Mani
my Books
- Eclipse Magic Workbook
- Coven Guide: Become an Initiated Witch
- Halloween Guide for Pagans, Parents, Teachers and Journalists
- Yule Rites
- Elephantom Origins: Birth of an Eco-Hero
- Gaian Times e-Magazine
- Astrology for Eclipse Magicians
- e-witch module1
- e-witch module2
Courses & Workshops
- Wicca 1-Day Course (London, Outdoors)
- High Magic course at Atlantis
- Introduction to Runes: Experiential workshop (London, outdoors)
- Spellcraft Course at Atlantis
- Beginners Tarot Course (London, outdoors)
- Psychic Safety, Protection & Healing
- Practical wicca : Altars, Brooms, Wand & Pentacle workshop
- High Magic 1: Kabbalisticc Cross, LBRP & Creating Archangel sigils
- Planetary magic Kameas, Sigils & Seals (Atlantis bookshop)
- Wicca: Working with Horned God & Moon Goddess
Magical Services
- Handfasting – Pagan Wedding Ceremony & service
- Spell-Craft service
- Holistic Coaching & Pagan Counselling
My Community
- London Woodland Witches meetup
- Earth-Day, Earth-Hour & World Peace Day Events
- Wicca Circles, Hern's Tribe & Tamesa London Circle
About Mani
Astrology Basics
Paganism & Magic
Wicca – A brief intro
Hinduism basics
My Hindu path
Contact Mani
my Books
Eclipse Magic Workbook
Coven Guide: Become an Initiated Witch
Halloween Guide for Pagans, Parents, Teachers and Journalists
Yule Rites
Elephantom Origins: Birth of an Eco-Hero
Gaian Times e-Magazine
Astrology for Eclipse Magicians
e-witch module1
e-witch module2
Courses & Workshops
Wicca 1-Day Course (London, Outdoors)
High Magic course at Atlantis
Introduction to Runes: Experiential workshop (London, outdoors)
Spellcraft Course at Atlantis
Beginners Tarot Course (London, outdoors)
Psychic Safety, Protection & Healing
Practical wicca : Altars, Brooms, Wand & Pentacle workshop
High Magic 1: Kabbalisticc Cross, LBRP & Creating Archangel sigils
Planetary magic Kameas, Sigils & Seals (Atlantis bookshop)
Wicca: Working with Horned God & Moon Goddess
Magical Services
Handfasting – Pagan Wedding Ceremony & service
Spell-Craft service
Holistic Coaching & Pagan Counselling
My Community
London Woodland Witches meetup
Earth-Day, Earth-Hour & World Peace Day Events
Wicca Circles, Hern’s Tribe & Tamesa London Circle
Psychic Safety, Protection & Healing
New course – coming in Autumn 2019
Date : Sunday 10th November 2019
Details soon.