We invite you to take a journey in to the world of practical application of tarot for self and others, in a natural woodland setting to expand your deeper connections to messages from this popular divination tool, that traces back to it’s medieval roots! (this is the 3nd year we are running this course). It is intended for anyone with some or no experience of reading tarot, for self or others confidently.

This is a 1-day experiential Introduction Course in Tarot – intended for anyone with some or no experience of reading tarot. Learn preparations, attunement, meaning of major & minor carcan cards; basic spreads- divination readings; safety and etiquettes and of course ritual magical use of tarot.
Date of next course : 6th June 2020 (tbc)
Course Content –——
(order & exact content may vary on the day).
-Introductions: Tutor Intro & personal intro by all students… to become familiar with one another.
-Consecration and energy work to begin the sacred space were we will be running this course.
-Introductory Pathworking taking you into the realm of Tarot.
Tarot has vivid images of towns, country side, castles, Kings, Queens, magicians, Knights and Pages. we enter this realm at the start of the course.
-Introduction to the form of Tarot – major arcanas; minor arcanas; court cards;
-Elements and symbols in Tarot- The 4 suits have 4 elements (Pentacles, Cups, swords, wands). we connect to Elements and their symbolism; we also look at some other key symbols in magic that weave through the imagery of Tarot.
Major Arcana – one by one we’ll look at all of the 22 cards – these are the major life processes and shifts.
-Minor arcana – 40 suit cards and their meanings in a reading. everything from beginning a process, to struggles, apprenticeship, heart aches, arguments, rest, rejoice, relationship…all are there!
-16 Court cards – who they represent.
-How to connect and care for your cards : Selecting / buying, cleansing, tuning in, storing storing
-Exploration of popular Tarot Spread.- How to do simple readings; How to have personal dialogues with your cards.
-Magical & ritualistic use of Tarot cards
-Reader / Querent etiquettes and ethics- when reading for other people.
Fee : £30.00. (adv fee by paypal) ;
You must pay in advance to attend this fully practical 1-day course.
Course will be held in outdoor woodland setting ( exact woodland to be confirmed – Wimbledon / Queen’s Woods)
Course duration:
10.00am to 5.00pm . please arrive promptly at start and after breaks.
What to bring-——-
-Bring your own snack/ drink / packed lunch (no eating during actual course delivery please. Eat only at break time. thanks)..
-There’ll be logs to sit on. But bring cushions/ blankets for your own comfortable seating.
-RAIN: If it rains, we’ll have a tarpaulin cover put up over the course area.
-wear warm / water proof clothing/ coats and suitable shoes/ trainers/ boots.
-Bring note book/ pens to take notes. (some typed notes will be e-mailed to you after you attend the course).
How to Register:
You must pay fee via Tutor website (here) prior to the course to secure a space.
Bright Blessings
Mani Navasothy
Registration fee £30 by secure paypal