Halloween Guide for Pagans, Parents, Teachers and Journalists (Kindle edition)
Author: Manivannan Navasothy
Publication Date: October 30, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-9560746-6-9 (Awakening Publishing)
Halloween- ancient pagan festival marking celtic New year and remembering Ancestors! Pagans, Wiccans & Witches celebrated Samhain in private rituals – at homes or in quite woodlands. The Christians moved their All Hallows day from 13th May to 1st November in 834 in an attempt to Christianise this deep pagan festival. But now, Halloween has become a popular party festival all around the World. Television & movies glamorizing Witches, Werewolves and sexy broody teen-vampires have all added to the increase of people’s interests in Witchcraft, Spells and magic…and Halloween!
But with it, we see an increase in tabloid stories & smear campaigns aimed at Pagans & Witches. Parents are worried about the `evil’ of Wicca on their kids; Teachers are wondering how to teach the subject that is fast becoming part of religious education.
This Guide sets the records straight! It gives adequate details, history, related concerns, background to Wicca & Witchcraft and even some of the popular symbols of paganism. Pagans, Parents, Teachers & all types of Journalists will find this short Guide to be an invaluable first port of call.
Mani Navasothy, brought up as a Hindu in Sri Lanka, living in the UK for over 25 years, has written this guide from personal experience of Paganism, Wicca & Witchcraft to be helpful to all.