Gaian Times Magazine explores the science & Magic of the earth, and features thought-provoking articles in science, psychology, ecology, environment, astrology and social trends. It is a not-for-profit company registered in England & Wales. No: 07515903.
GT magazine was launched in June 2011, and by 2015, we had published 11 magazines (mostly quarterly). There has been no further publications since that date, though we hope to re-start in 2019.
Aims & Objectives
Gaian Times has set highly specific, extensive and Charitable Aims & Objectives for itself. Not for profit companies need not have such extensive Objectives which are comparable to the Objectives of formal Charities. However Gaian Times strives for such high ideals.
1 Gaian Times Objectives, for the benefit of the Public, as as follows:
a) Educate the public and promote conservation, protection and improvement of the world and natural environment. [Environment]
b). Explore evolving trends of human activities and its impact, regard, respect, worship and relationships to nature. [ Human trends & Impact]
c) Advance the education of the public in the subject of natural sciences, psychology of the sacred, old world religions, nature-based beliefs and spiritual traditions, which enlighten the public in living harmoniously with nature [Education & Spirituality]
d) Promote visionary art by the establishment and maintenance of, but not exclusively, an online art gallery, such that it furthers the exploration of possible future trends of the world. [Visionary Art].
- Organise and facilitate for the education and benefit of the public seasonal ceremonies and celebration, festivals, conventions, lectures and courses that support the objects. [Events & Educating].
- Produce, commission, and distribute literature, magazines, leaflets, books, websites and broadcasts that further the objects of the company [Publishing].
- Assist, promote, support, co-operate with, become affiliated, and donate financially or otherwise to charities, associations, societies and bodies that have their objects similar to the Company. [Support others / Charities] .